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Hudson Boosters Mission & Vision

The Hudson Boosters Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide youth baseball, softball, and football programs that match the skill level of the participants.  We will provide youth with organized competition in a safe environment while teaching sportsmanship, discipline, and love of the games.  Our club will also provide service to our community.

To be recognized and respected as one of the premier youth organizations in western Wisconsin, providing opportunities for players of all skill levels in baseball, softball, and football through the teaching of both fundamental and advanced skills, personal values, civic pride, and sportsmanship.  This will be done using regulatory compliant equipment on outstanding facilities in the Hudson community.

General questions?  Please see the 'Contact Information' page for more information.

Highway 12 Athletic Complex

For information on the specific sports programs, please visit the unique links for each:

Hudson Boosters Meetings

Please see below for upcoming meeting information.

The organization is free to join, and we welcome your involvement.

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Donate to Hudson Boosters

Want to support the club but don't need to register for a program or event? Click above and make your tax deductible donation - takes only a minute!

Sponsored by Trusted Coaches

Trusted Coaches

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The Hudson Boosters club has made the commitment to provide a safe, positive and productive experience for today’s youth in the community. The Trusted Coaches program is a comprehensive risk management platform that offers essential training, education and screening necessary for a youth coach.   We offer several different courses in a combination of packages that may include a nationwide criminal background check‚ first-aid trainingconcussion instruction, child safety training and InsideOut Coaching- How youth sports can transform lives.  The Trusted Coaches program is delivered exclusively online (promoting 100% compliance) and provides the opportunity for a coach to complete the program at their own pace in the comfort of their own home.

Coaches: CLICK HERE to log into your account.